Bitcoin to Compete with Gold?

“Lets suppose that this (BTC) could become a form of digital gold, the market cap of gold today is $10 Trillion sometimes closer to $11 Trillion, so let's assume that bitcoin were to become the next gold… that would put bitcoin’s market cap at around $10-11 Trillion, which would make Bitcoin worth around $500,000 per Bitcoin. Which is hard to fathom right now, but again not an impossibility.”
-Sam Lyman, Director of Public Policy Riot Platforms, Forbes Contributor

Where Mobile Spyware & Surveillance Attacks are Coming From

If you take a look at the landscape of mobile network operators and attacks, about 70-80% of them originated from networks that have Huawei equipment…these are leading indicators that policy makers should really pay attention to.
-Gary Miller, Mobile Security Researcher, Citizen Lab

Satellite Collisions

"There's so much more just congested airspace. So if you look at the International Space Station, 7, 8, 9 years ago they might do one collision avoidance maneuver every 3 or 4 years, and now they're doing 5, 6, 7 a month. Everyone is hoping that we can avoid having an actual collision which can be really devastating depending on where it happens, and how it happens"
-Mark Reed, Chief Operating Officer, Katalyst Space Technologies

Cyber Threats against Local Elections

“In 2020 from a pure cybersecurity threat playbook, like if there was a playbook of all the different of attacks you could see, in 2020 we virtually saw all of them vs in 2022 we really didn’t see almost any of them…in 2020, no exaggeration, we saw DDoS attacks against Maricopa County, we saw vendor supply chains attacks, we saw data scraping attacks against one of our websites. Based off of conversations with our federal partners we have a high degree of confidence we saw attacks from nation states’s APTs as well as hacktivists, and everything in between. And then really in 2022 we saw information campaigns against us…primarily from the social media platforms”
-Lester Godsey, Chief Information Security Officer, Maricopa County

Why Cyber Threats are Shifting to Information Warfare

“speculation on my part…at the end of the day, in my mind…the motivation is to disrupt the elections, cast doubt, and create as much chaos as possible, if that’s your motivation, what's the path of least resistance? How can you accomplish what your goal is with the least amount of effort?…Taking the approach of social media is the path of least resistance.”
-Lester Godsey, Chief Information Security Officer, Maricopa County

Compromised Department of Defense Weapon Systems

“Its not far-fetched to think that the Chinese have penetrated our supply chain to such a degree that we don’t know what is actually on the chips or in the firmware of what is flying off our aircraft carriers...There is a real possibility that the Chinese have actually hard coded into the motherboards of certain circuitry or certain chips that we are using for very specific things in our aircraft such as launching missiles…using electronic warfare theoretically…you could be sending up a signal that is essentially a kill switch of all of our military technology.”
-Mike McLaughlin, Co-Chair, Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Practice Group and Principal Policy Advisor, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, Co-Author of Battlefield Cyber

AI to Make Safer Roads?

“As a greater percentage of the cars are Self driving more of the cars of the on road will become more predictable, if we went to 100% self driving tomorrow, then they would all know what eachother were going to do, and we would instantly be a lot safer.”
-Ben Bissantz, Cyptologic Warfare Officer, U.S Navy Reserve, Naval Information Warfare Development Center

The RealTime Cyber Podcast.

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